Tuesday, December 20, 2011



Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression

This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language." ~ Anodea Judith

Today represented a milestone of a day for me. Since, oh, 1998 or 1999 I have dreamed of playing the harmonium-- that portable combination accordion/organ used in Kirtan, devotional chanting and mantra. There's something so amazing about the sound of a harmonium-- hearing it alone immediately opens my heart. And even just chanting Om along to a couple of well-placed chords becomes a transformative experience that turns my day around.

Since I received my harmonium on December 1 from Kristin Brooks of the Bhakti House Band, I have played sometimes for two or three hours a day, not actively trying to learn chords or tunes but just delighting in the sound I'm able to make with it-- and how resonant the vocals are on top of it. It's so powerful to me, the sounds reverberate in my mind and in my throat long after I am done actually playing and singing.

There is the feeling that this is a new way of being, and at the age of 38, finding those moments is pretty special to me. There was probably a time in my life when I thought I had seen it all. I'll save my story for another time, but suffice it to say that this year has represented a beautiful shift for me-- from the unreal to the real, the safety of the known to the juicy mystery of the unknown, the darkness to the light. I've been stunned and touched by my students, most recently the ones who allowed me to share my new love of the harmonium with them today. I'll say that the experience of teaching has shifted for me in a big way this year. It's not always been easy-- goodness knows I've found more ways than I care to admit that I have made everything about me-- but there is now a release of all that, a willingness to live in service of something greater, even though I am not sure at this moment what exactly that "something greater" is. In any case, 2012 promises to be more of the same awakening, unfolding, revealing... and I am ready for it, here, now, receptive.

asato ma sad gamaya
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
mrutyor ma amritam gamaya

From ignorance lead me to truth
From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality

Brhadaranyaka Upanisad, I.iii.28


I bow to the light that shines within.

Om shanti.

Infinite peace be with you.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Winter Schedule

It's been a while since my last post... time has been at a premium lately as my efforts have been joyfully given to Project Yoga Richmond, a cause with which I am truly grateful to be aligned (check us out!)...

With PYR we're working toward our mission to make yoga accessible to everyone. In 2012 we're expanding our offerings in the community as well as evolving our fee structure to mainly a donation-based system. This is the realization of a dream of mine for sure. I'm so unbelievably lucky to have great alliances and friendships with my team-- J, Michelle, Pam, Wendy, Liz, Natalie, Stacy, Cate, Jenna, Kalyani, Carolyn, Sandy, Amanda, Madeline, and Renee-- as well as countless others who have donated their time and money and energy. There's some great things in the works for PYR including teacher trainings, Acro and Hoop Jams, outdoor classes at parks and museums, and so much community service our impact will be felt far and wide. That's my intention for the coming year for 2012 and now it's just about aligning with that intention.

In the meantime, while I am still teaching a lot of private lessons, here's where you can catch me for group classes (I am keeping my schedule light for a while in order to give myself lots of time to align :) :

Mondays 5-6 pm at Om On Yoga (320 Libbie Ave) for Gentle
Mondays 6:30-7:45 pm at PYR (6517 Dickens Place) for Yin/Yang Yoga

Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 am at Om On Yoga for Sunrise Vinyasa
Tuesdays 12-1 pm at Om On Yoga for Slow Flow

Here are other classes at PYR that I wholeheartedly recommend (check the schedule for more events, for details, and to make sure nothing's cancelled due to events and workshops):

Tuesdays 6:45-8 pm Hatha Beginner/Intermediate with Cate

Wednesdays 6:30 and 7:30 pm Hoop Dance with Natalie

Thursdays 6:30-7:45 pm Community Yoga with J

Thursdays 6:45-8 pm Hatha for Beginners with Cate

Fridays 5:30-6:30 pm Energetic Flow with Jo

Sundays 4-5 pm Pay What You Can Gentle Yoga (taught by various instructors on a rotating basis)